Sunday, 9 October 2016

Information Revolution

Welcome to my blog!

First of all, I want to explain what does revolution mean - revolution is a fundamental change of something.
We often hear revolution in political meaning, but today I am going to talk about Information Revolution.

As you know live is not at a standstill, people had different life last century. Life is changing because of the many things and new technologies are one of the consequences. Nowadays I can’t imagine life without them: internet, electricity, hot water and gas. These things are make our life better and more comfortable, however few of things have been limited and other things don’t exist at all in the past.

I can say that information revolution has begun with computers. First of all, computers were invented for the needs of scientists, they looked cumbersome. Scientists used computers for calculating a lot of amount of formulas that hard to calculate on paper. After some time, companies like IBM began to manufacture computers for ordinary users. This event led to the global spreading of the computers. Now we have ability to keep our information not only on papers, but also on computers, so now there is no need to make a lot of facilities like libraries to keep tons of information. 
With the invention of the computer we had a need for something that could help us spread information around the world. And that something has to be very fast. Eventually, we got big network that called “Internet”. Nowadays it’s a biggest network that cover almost the entire Earth. In the near future it will cover entire Earth by using drones.

Computer and internet were invented few decades ago, but you can see that these things are spreading very fast. In today’s world almost all stuff connected to computers and internet. They are helping to students in education… of course if they are not distracted by something from internet. In the future robots would replace people in many professions. What can I say about it? I guess, there are a lot of pros and cons. Someone could lost his job, however big changes in our life require sacrifice. On the other hand, Earth is so big, we have a lot of things to do here.

If you have ever seen “Back to the Future” franchise, you know that present world is more modern that you have seen in this movie. I believe we couldn’t predict what will happen in the future from the point of technology. People wanted to see flying cars, time machines, but these things are too revolution. Revolution and evolution are interrelated. The first one could change the World, the second one could make our life better by upgrading existing things.

Technologies have improved life on Earth, the new technologies, like self-driven cars, advanced AI, drones could make our life better in the future. We are living in interesting time and everyone should keep eye on what is happening in this field. All today’s dreams could become a reality…

Thanks for reading, if you enjoyed just wait for the next post.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I read your comment before you deleted it, thanks for opinion. Next time I'm gonna to construct my topic by using paragraphs. But this one I have written what I thought about.

    2. I don't know really what happened? Yesterday my comment was there, now it's gone...I haven't deleted it. But there was a network error which showed that I commented 2 times, so I deleted one of them. Unfortunately,
      both of them were deleted without my action. But at least, you could read it :)

    3. Yeah, I could read it, so don't worry.

  2. Nice post.It's better not using this sentence "today i'm going to talk about..." The order of paragraph is very good,but only ending is not complete,i think. I liked way of your explanations,but you should use a few number of new technologies also for making your answer more clear.

    1. Thanks for your opinion!
      Conclusion has been added after it.

  3. Easily understanding that you are a man in this field :)

  4. Now explain me part about internet by drones

    1. Mark Zuckerberg is going to use planes and drones to spread internet around the world. You can read more from the internet. I'm sending you one of the links:

    2. Thanks. Now it's more clearly

  5. Exact information nothing too add
    nice job

  6. What will you do if you get to a desert island??))
    Good writing,enough information, but a little bit boring(
    And want to read more about your opinion.
    And delete green!

    1. Thanks for your opinion. Why desert, not Syberia? It would extremely situation if I went to desert island. By the way, I like more hot weather than cold.
      I won't delete green, it's amazing :)

  7. interesting content and easy to understand

  8. I liked your post because it was written simple but informative. Waiting for the next post.

  9. there are enough informationş good

  10. very good, interesting and simple to read. You point is 4.5 :D

  11. Future is amazing. Hope I will still alive to see the flying car

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